Friday, August 5, 2016

Evaluated blog experience.
I think the method is very good because it motive to apply the knows.
What kind of music I like?
I listen a lot of kinds of music. I like the rock, the blues, the folk music, the pop music even I listed reggaeton. But I think the best kind of music ever is the progressive rock. I remember when I was in the school, I was 14 and was learning about play the bass guitar so I wanted to learn the difficult song for the bass. My brother listened a band called King Crimson and one day I heard his music and I thought "the bass is amazing". So I started to listen this band and I learned his song on bass. King Crimson plays progressive rock and I liked this kind of music. Thereby I interested for the progressive rock because the songs are complicated in all the instruments and I liked the melodies. I downloaded a lot of albums of progressive rock of the different bands: Yes, Trey Gunn, Camell etc. From I was 14 until 16 I only listed this music, but then, I started to listed other kinds of music, for example in a moment I listen a lot of blues music but nowdays I think the best music is the progressive rock even while i'm writing this blog I listen a song of King Crimson

Friday, July 22, 2016

The postmodern culture

This semester I enjoyed the subject: postmodern culture. The postmodern culture is the name that a lot of academical about the historical moment where the neoliberal economy predominates wordwild´their characteristics are exacerbated consumerism, little value to politics, consolidation of liberal democracy, individualism, skepticism, distrust toward grand narrative and various tenets of Enlightenment rationality. Some psychologists believe that diseases have increased psychosis. Also in this period it arises the internet

The most well-known postmodernist concerns is "deconstruction". Deconstruction is the philosophy of postmodernity which it was proposed by Jacques Derrida. Deconstructive notion into question all analytical categories proposed in modernity because it cannot explain the new social reality. Thus the identities are regarded as something of the past. Thereby, advocates of postmodernism has the idea of an individual can live without clinging to anything, as a free subject.

However there are critical philosophers and critical social researchers of postmodern culture. For example, Alain Badiou -french philosopher- believes that postmodernism does not allow freedom of individuals because it does not allow people to think.

The certain the postmodern culture system has been consolidated and it's the beginning.

Friday, July 8, 2016

I'm going to talk about Pierre clastres. He was born 1934 in France. He studied at University of Sorbonne, obtaining a licence in literature in 1957, and philosophy in the following year. He went into working anthropology after 1956 as student of Claude Levi Strauss. With Levi Strauss he learned structuralist theory (it was very important in the french academy) that was fundamental in his work.

He is best know for his contributions to the field of political anthropology. He was a anthropologist that wrotte the popular book "society against the state" in 1973.  this book is very important not only because it gives useful information about the sociopolitical constitution of the south american tribes, but also because it let us think about a new political model for our own society, different from the state.

His work were an attempt for leave the traditional state theory. The traditional state theory think that is imposible live in society out the state. By contrast, Clastres thought the tribes without state were societies and not only that, these tribes are against tje state. They have ways so there is hierarchy. The boss don't have political power. 
Today, their contributions are still valid in political theory.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Human Evolution Timeline

1. About 800,000 years ago, __THE FIRE_ was controlled by early humans.
2. About ____6_______ million years ago most early human species became bipedal.
3. The Homo Habilis used to live in Eastern and ___SOUTHERN___________ Africa.
4. About 12,000 years ago, humans managed to control the growth and breeding of some __ PLANTS_______ and animals.
5. The __SAHELANTHROPUS______ is the earliest human species from the timeline.

Answer these questions:

1. What's been the role of climate change in the development of humans?

The climate has  produced human evolution

2. In your opinion, what is the most significant milestone for the human evolution? Why?

the great milestone in the human evolution was the lenguage becacause it enabled to finish the animal phase. With the lenguage, the human is a cultural animal

3. Which early human species was thought to be the first to use tools made from stone?

The homo habilis

4. Who were the first human species to travel to and live in Europe? When?

Homo Heidelbergensis

5. Which species survived for the longest time? For how long?

Homo Erectus. He lives between about 1,89 millons and 143000 years ago.

Friday, April 29, 2016

My friends and football

I decided to write about my favourite hobbie: playing the football.

When I was 5, like many children, I like the football soccer. I don't know why it likes me. I played football with my school's friends when I was a little boy. We spent a lot of times -all the day- run for ball to get tired. Me and friends have been never very good for this, but it was very fun for us. I have always enjoyed playing and watching football. I remember when I was 10 and enjoyed watching the games of Barcelona because I liked his football starts: Messi -when he was a joung-, Ronaldinho, Valdes.

When we -me and my friends- had 14, we signed up to play soccer championship school. It was terrible because we played against teams better and older than us. I rememer we lost all matches. Then, in the following years, we improve. In our last year, we almost won the school championship but in the finally minutes we lost. It was very sad.

Then I went to study at the university, I got out La Serena, but when I travel to La Serena, 
I always get together with my friends to play football and remember old stories when we play.

Friday, April 15, 2016

In 2013 I started my first year as an graduate student in University of Chile. My family was very proud of my achievement. I thought I had failed in the PSU test, but I was wrong. I decided to study Antrhopology because I was interested in studying a social science and my brother had studied anthropology and I thought "it looks very interest!". Today I think it was a bad decision, but I'm doing in my fourth year and I want to finish my degree.

I remember my first and second year. I was excited. I wanted to learn a lot of things in the class and I liked the school of social science. But in my third year I was slowly losing enthusiasm for anthropology. I started to think it's very interesting but is useless for the people, however I never thought about dropping.

The anthropology is fun. If you study it, you're going a lot of about to primitive societies, religions, economics systems and much more but it's useless. When I complete my degree I don't know I will do. I'd like to work in publics policy, but I believe this is very difficult

Friday, April 8, 2016

I'm Martín and i'm in my four year of anthropology in the Universidad de Chile. I was born in 1995 in Santiago. I lived for three years in the Capital City. My family and I moved to La Serena in 1998 for work reasons. I lived in La Serena where I knew great friends but I get out La Serena in 2013 for the university. I came to Santiago to study anthropology. I lived with my grandma in Puente Alto for two years. Now, I live with my brother in a floor in the Santiago Centro.

I like the music. I play the guitar and the bass-guitar in my free times. Also I like read. My favourite book is Crimen y Castigo written by Dostoievsky. I don't like a lot films, but I love the movie hombre mirando al sudeste. I think it is a great movie.